Worm Castings
Whether you're starting from seed or with seedlings, your plant babies need all the nutrients, minerals, and microbial life in their early stages to grow big and bountiful. We've got you covered with our tried & tested Seedling Mix.
The Natural Solution - Worm castings

Microbes & Bacteria
The magic happens in the digestive tract of worms. As worms eat organic matter it is coated with some of the most beneficial bacteria and enzymes available to plants - and can't be recreated in a synthetic process.

Natural Nutrients
Once digested, the end product - a worm casting - is packed with so much more than a simple NPK. Nutrients, trace minerals, and microbes provide your plants with a robust feed to grow big, strong, and bountiful.

Stress Reduction
Gardening - and specifically exposure to soil bacteria M. Vaccae - has been proven in numerous studies to have mental health benefits including anxiety reduction, seratonin increase, and much much more.